Review of the advertising market in Moldova for the year of 2016. - Publicis Media Moldova
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Review of the advertising market in Moldova for the year of 2016.

According to the annual tradition, the communication holding Vivaki shares the conducted analysis of the media market in Moldova. In the presentation below, you can find trends in our media industry for at least the last 5 years and the first media forecasts for 2017.
The prepared data and comments help to compare and match the consumer and advertising costs in such media segments as TV, Internet, Outdoor Advertising and Press (weekly and monthly publications). The presentation shows a lot of useful information – media consumption, financial assessment of the market, analysis of the competitors and the main players who sell advertising (websites, TV channels, radio, etc.), inflation dynamics, seasonal effects and others.

2016 wasn’t the easiest, neither for the economic field nor for the media industry. But today we can affirm that the forecasts for 2017 look more optimistic.

Once you have read the presentation, we will be happy to discuss with you how the trends and the changing consumer behavior described in our review affect exactly  your business.

You can contact us by calling or writing to us!