Youtube is not terra incognita in Moldova anymore! - Publicis Media Moldova
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Youtube is not terra incognita in Moldova anymore!

Vivaki Moldova digital laboratory experts and its Media brands (Zenith, Starcom and MediaVest) have agreed to start to measure the real reach by Youtube video campaigns with Moldovan targeting. We are be able to gather information on age, sex, financial status and volume of people that will see our video ads placed on Youtube.




Reach and demographic data will be collected through pixel audit from Gemius Direct Effect. It became availablethanks to the agreement that was reached with Google team in order, to add it to campaigns with targeting on Moldova, launched through Google programmatic platform – Double Click.


Pixel audit measurement was practically impossible till this moment. In fact there was an opportunity to measure through AdWords, but with minimum 10 000$ budget per campaign . With new opportunity from Vivaki there is no budget limit anymore.


This is a great opportunity for all Vivaki Clients, especially given recent changes with TV viewing and the decrease of potential RCH%  by young audiences.


The result of a research conducted by Google shows the efficiency of such cumulated approach to video campaign planning:

youtube ru

Source: Includes Nielsen data from U.S. for 2,984 TV campaigns in 2015. Analysis identified campaigns that would have benefited from combining YouTube and TV while holding cost constant and optimizing for reach.

Read more in the article following the link

As it can be mentioned, the launch of video campaigns on TV and online, with Youtube video possibilities and volumes, and cumulated result precise estimation, will permit to increase the efficiency of such campaigns, at lower needed budgets (media investments) accordingly.


All Vivaki Moldova clients, can have the Youtube video reach and demographic data already from this month, but we are also opened fro any other requests from advertisers, or our colleagues on market.